Feb. 05, 2024

Legislative Update
The latest news from the State Capitol
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2024-25 Budget Address Tuesday

I think you would all agree - if as people we need to balance our checkbooks, so should the government.

Tomorrow, I will be in Harrisburg for the only session day of the year so far. There will be no votes taken or any legislation that advances. Members of the General Assembly (both the House and Senate) will convene for a joint session while Gov. Josh Shapiro will deliver his 2024-25 state budget address. The session begins at noon and the address at 12:30 p.m. Watch the live stream at www.PAHouseGOP.com.

It is clear, based on a series of press events the governor has held over the last week, this budget is going to propose spending a lot of your money. We cannot, and should not, grow the size and cost of government when individuals and families are already dealing with rising costs.

Halfway through the current fiscal year, General Fund revenue is falling more than $70 million below estimate, and tax revenue by more than $150 million. We must ensure the Commonwealth lives within its means.

The last budget, when it passed, had a $1.8 billion structural deficit (this is the gap between authorized spending and projected revenues). We need to fill that gap with either revenue increases or by spending our $6.46 billion surplus and/or the $6.12 billion in the Rainy Day Fund (the surplus and rainy Day Fund are separate). Sadly, we won’t know the full extent of the deficit until the budget year ends.

Over the next few weeks following the budget address, I will be sharing details of the Governor’s proposal and what it will mean for our families back here at home.
We Stand with Texas

This week, I was one of dozens of Republican House members who signed letters urging Gov. Josh Shapiro and Attorney General Michelle Henry to take whatever steps they can to show that Pennsylvania stands with Texas in its ability to combat illegal immigration.

I also plan to support a concurrent resolution to be introduced soon that affirms state sovereignty and supports Texas in its efforts to defend its southern border. The resolution will send a strong message to the Biden administration that the Pennsylvania General Assembly believes in the ability of states to defend their borders when the federal government fails in its obligation to do so, and we will put the safety and security of our citizens first when it comes to enforcing our laws against illegal immigration.

The statistics we’re seeing regarding the flood of migrants crossing the southern border are truly astounding. We firmly believe Texas and other states have the constitutional right to defend themselves when the federal government has not provided assistance or actually impeded the ability to defend their borders and sovereignty.

Read the letter to the governor here.

Read the letter to the attorney general here.
Join me for my Telephone Town Hall

I’m trying something new, and I hope you will join me. In addition to my in-person coffee and conversation events, where residents can join me at rotating locations across the district for a casual coffee hour, we are rolling out a virtual option that will take place during the evening both over the phone and online.

Telephone Town Halls are an engaging community event where you have the chance to connect directly with me. Whether you prefer to listen by phone or online, everyone is invited to be a part of the conversation. Feel free to ask questions, share your thoughts, or simply tune in and listen. Our conversation is expected to last about an hour, but you're welcome to stay on the line for as little or as long as you wish. I look forward to connecting with you!