Legislative Update |
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Money for Mini Hawks
When the Hanover Mini Hawks reached out looking for new equipment, I teamed up with Walmart to get them to the end zone! Last weekend I joined the team, coaches, and family to deliver their $5,000 check!
Around the District: Making the Most of Retirement
Last week, my office hosted a retirement seminar that gave colleagues from the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities and Pennsylvania Insurance Department an opportunity to share strategies for making your nest egg last and tips for navigating insurance as it relates to retirement. The event drew a strong response from the community and provided an outlet for sharing important information about the insurance-related aspects of retirement, determining the amount of money that you need to retire, and protecting your savings. (photos on Facebook)
Calling for Accountability
I recently signed on to a letter urging Gov. Josh Shapiro’s administration to no longer seek a waiver that allows Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents to receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits without meeting a work requirement.
If the Commonwealth would follow the federal standard of requiring at least a 20-hour work week, nearly 200,000 Pennsylvanians would re-enter the workforce. It also would allow for taxpayer funding to be driven to those who truly need it, thereby improving the lives of seniors and those with intellectual or physical disabilities. A copy of the letter is available here.
911 Text Service Extended to All Counties
The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is reminding citizens you can now text 911 in any county across the Commonwealth.
Texting 911 is as simple as texting a friend. Type 911 in the “to” field and explain what is happening in your text. Include your location.
Texting 911 is ideal if the person trying to report the emergency is deaf, hard of hearing or has a speech disability; is having an emergency and cannot talk on the phone; is in a situation in which it is not safe to call 911.
PEMA recommends calling, if at all possible, as it provides background sounds and context clues to aid operators and emergency responders. But if you can’t call, texting is the next best thing.
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