Feb. 03, 2025

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Legislative Update
The latest news from the State Capitol
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Will Gridlock Return to the House?

Last week, I wrote about the start of a new legislative session in both the House and Senate. Once again, the House is split evenly — 101 Republicans to 101 Democrats. However, this time, an unexpected tragedy has left Democrats without their one-seat majority after the passing of a fellow representative.

You may recall that the last session was plagued by gridlock, with legislative work frequently stalled. When Democrats previously held a slim majority, even a single vacancy often brought floor votes to a standstill until a special election was held to restore their numbers.

One particularly frustrating example was the nearly three-month recess last year, during which Democratic leadership halted all floor operations, citing the need for roof repairs. Republicans criticized the timing, as it conveniently coincided with a period when Democrats had multiple absent members.

To put things in perspective: Under a Republican majority in 2021 and 2022, the House convened for 10 and nine voting session days, respectively, during January and February. In 2023, under a Democratic majority, there were only two voting session days between both months.

Now, with a vacancy in the House, it is unclear whether any meaningful votes will take place before the March 25 special election. So far, our first week back in the Capitol has consisted mostly of committee reorganization meetings, with only one floor vote—on a resolution recognizing January 2025 as "School Director Recognition Month." While commendable, this is hardly the kind of substantive action Pennsylvanians expect from their Legislature.

On Tuesday, Feb. 4, Gov. Josh Shapiro is scheduled to deliver his 2025-26 budget address to both chambers. I will be sure to share updates.                                     
Crestwood High School Celebrates National FBLA Week

Crestwood High School’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), a student organization dedicated to developing leadership skills and preparing students for careers in business, will join thousands of FBLA members nationwide in celebrating National FBLA Week from Feb. 9-15.

To mark the occasion, I joined Wright Township Supervisor Paul Krzywicki in presenting official proclamations recognizing FBLA Week and honoring the achievements of Crestwood’s chapter.

Following the presentation, students traveled to the FBLA Regional Leadership Conference at The Woodlands in Wilkes-Barre, where an impressive 75 students qualified for the State Leadership Conference in Hershey this April. Congratulations to all the winners!

Throughout the week, Crestwood FBLA will celebrate with a variety of themed activities, including an FBLA Social, career and technical education promotion, a presentation to the Crestwood School Board, social media engagement, and recognition of outstanding members and leaders.

FBLA Week coincides with National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, which highlights the critical role of CTE in student success, workforce development and economic growth.
